Lavori in corso

PROJECT : Lavori in corso – adottiamo la città
PROJECT: 2018-PAN-02186
DURATION: 46 months | June 2020 – Mar. 2024 |
STATUS: ongoing

Lavori in corso aims at mitigating the phenomenon of educational, social, cultural and environmental poverty that can affect the development of minors who live in complex territories and with the absence or difficulty to access to opportunities and public and social educational spaces.

Lavori in corso is one of the projects selected by Con I Bambini as part of the Fund for the fight against child educational poverty in Italy. Through the collaboration of 5 partner schools located in 5 peripheral areas (Rome Montespaccato, Sant’Arpino (CE), Tolentino (MC), Pisa Putignano, Palermo La Zisa), courses, workshops, social and listening desks and activities will be organized for young people between 9 and 14, but also for their families and other local actors. The goal is to create aggregation spaces that allow communities to develop suitable skills and relationships in order to overcome the phenomena of social and cultural isolation.

The project will involve the entire educating community and will activate 5 P.E.T. (Territorial Educational Centers) with the aim of activating processes of environmental, social and cultural regeneration that will especially enhance the involvement of minors in identifying and taking care of the neighbourhood. These spaces will therefore become permanent places of regeneration to reconnect inter and intragenerational social networks.


EuroUSC will be responsible for the territorial training courses for teachers to respond to the new educational challenges due to socio-cultural changes and the complexity of modern times. EuroUSC will carry on  the mapping of the territory, also through drones, and  the analysis and representation of the collected data. In addition, it will hold workshops and laboratories for the graphic creation of community maps and will be in charge of collecting ideas for the management of spaces and for identifying the activities to be organized. Finally, EuroUSC will be responsible for all communication materials and tools.

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